- Degrees and Titles: Licenciado en Gestión con mención en Gestión Empresarial, Licenciado en Gestión con mención en Gestión Pública, Licenciado en Gestión con mención en Gestión Social
- Duration: 10 semestres
- On: Facultad de Gestión y Alta Dirección
The world demands have created new spaces and new professional needs. PUCP, in accordance with the approaches of top universities in the world, has offered since 2005 the academic program of Administration and Executive Management.
This academic program is new in Latin America and seeks to train managers and directors capable of leading private companies as well as public institutions such as civil society organizations. Our graduates are recognized due to their strategic vision, the management of exceptional operational skills aimed at the achievement of results, a strong commitment to the country and their entrepreneurial attitude.
Thanks to our multidisciplinary and comprehensive academic training, students receive a managerial perspective with a long-term vision, focused on the approach to concepts and tools related to the business world based on their personal skills (team work, effective communication, proactive attitude, creativity and innovation). Furthermore, this training is characterized by an approach of intersectoral work (entrepreneurial, public and social), sustainable and equitable development fostering better results for the organizations and the consequent benefit to the society as a whole.
The academic training offered in the program is devoted to understanding the complexity of organizations and their context, it fosters the achievement of specific results and promotes a greater involvement of different interest groups while reaching the institutional goals. In that regard, we offer you a major with plenty of opportunities in the labor market and a great capacity to contribute to the development of the country.