- Degrees and Titles: Bachiller en Derecho, Título profesional de Abogado
- Duration: 12 semestres
- On: Facultad de Derecho
The academic training at PUCP Law school promotes the conciliation between people and institutions applying laws, taking into consideration the concepts of justice and equity.
Our graduates will be provided with every tool needed to start a professional career and work with social responsibility and integrity based on ethical values, development of professional skills and comprehensive knowledge of Law and its relation with other related disciplines.
The prestige of the PUCP Law School graduates is based on their solid principles, their interdisciplinary education and their ability to provide solutions.
We are a plural and tolerant academic community based on ethical, democratic and Catholic principles, which provides comprehensive humanistic and legal education and contributes to the strengthening of the fundamental rights and democracy.
Campo Laboral
- Estudios jurídicos
- Empresas, entidades financieras y de seguros
- Sector privado
- Poder Judicial, Indecopi, Sunat, Defensoría del Pueblo, relaciones exteriores, municipalidades, ministerios, entre otros
- Organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG)
- Organizaciones internacionales
- Comercio internacional