- Degrees and Titles: Bachiller en Ciencias con mención en Física, Licenciado en Física
- Duration: 10 semestres
- On: Facultad de Ciencias e Ingeniería
Physics is a science aimed at seeking laws that govern the behavior of the most fundamental particles as of those which rule the dynamics of the universe. It is a science that deals with the microcosm and macrocosm.
This science includes different branches: whereas the theoretical physicist develops models to explain diverse phenomena, the experimental physicist performs these models to test experiments in order to validate or discard them. There is also Applied Physics in which the fundamental knowledge is used to make nature behave in a more useful way. Some examples of these applications are the laser, ultra-sensitive sensors, nuclear magnetic resonance equipment, among others.
When studying the major of Physics at PUCP, you will understand that this is a science in constant evolution: with every question answered, many others will raise posing new challenges.