Tuition Categories

Since 2017, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú has had 9 payment categories.

Categories 1 to 8 have a certain percentage of University subsidy; categories 1, 2 and 3 have an exceptional and temporary status, directed to students with the lowest incomes.

On the other hand, the tuition payment in category 9 is covered in full (without PUCP subsidy) by the parents or the people responsible for the students’ education.

Categories Credit value
9 S/ 1 008.20
8 S/ 928.20
7 S/ 832.90
6 S/ 729.20
5 S/ 623.20
4 S/ 520.20
3 S/ 424.40
2 S/ 338.30
1 S/ 263.80

(*) These values applied in the year 2019.