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PhD in Chemical textile engineering, UNIVERSIDADE DO MINHO

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Magíster en Ingeniería (Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul)

Docente a tiempo completo (DTC)
Departamento Académico de Ingeniería - Sección Bioingeniería


Se encontraron 92 publicaciones

SILVA, G.; BURGOS, M. V.; ÑAÑEZ, R. E.; KIM, S.; Ruiz, G.; Pando, M.; AGUILAR, R.; NAKAMATSU, J.(2023). Soil-Cement Matrices for Additive Construction: 3D Printing System Validation and Printing Tests. En Functional and Engineering Materials. (pp. 143 - 150). Trans Tech Publications Ltd. Recuperado de: https://www.scientific.net/MSF.1093.143
ZAVALETA, D. C.; ÑAÑEZ, R. E.; SILVA, G.; KIM, S.; Ruiz, G.; Pando, M.; NAKAMATSU, J.; AGUILAR, R.(2023). Evaluation of Chitosan and Potato Starch as Stabilizers to Improve the Mechanical and Water Durability Properties of Printable Earth-Based Matrices Reinforced with Sisal Fibers. En Functional and Engineering Materials. (pp. 151 - 159). Materials Science Forum. Recuperado de: https://doi.org/10.4028/p-knYma7
SILVA, G.; NAKAMATSU, J.; KIM, S.; AGUILAR, R.(2023). Preliminary Experimental Evaluation of Buildability Improvement Methods for Concrete for 3D Printing. Materials Science Forum. Volumen: 1093. (pp. 161 - 167).
ROJAS, S. M.; SILVA, G.; NAKAMATSU, J.; AGUILAR, R.; KIM, S.(2022). Alkali-treated Agave americana fiber for reinforcement of fly ash-based geopolymers (accepted for publication). journal of natural fibers. Recuperado de: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/citedby/10.1080/15440478.2022.2073500?scroll=top&needAccess=true
SILVA, G.; ÑAÑEZ, R. E.; ZAVALETA, D. C.; BURGOS, M. V.; KIM, S.; Ruiz, G.; Pando, M. A.; AGUILAR, R.; NAKAMATSU, J.(2022). Eco-friendly additive construction: Analysis of the printability of earthen-based matrices stabilized with potato starch gel and sisal fibers. Construction and Building Materials. Volumen: 347. (pp. 128556). Recuperado de: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0950061822022152
SILVA, G.; ÑAÑEZ, R. E.; ZAVALETA, D. C.; BURGOS, M. V.; KIM, S.; Ruiz, G.; Pando, M. A.; AGUILAR, R.; NAKAMATSU, J.(2022). Eco-friendly additive construction: Analysis of the printability of earthen-based matrices stabilized with potato starch gel and sisal fibers. Journal of Construction and Building Materials. Volumen: 347.
Felipe, B. H. S.; Cabral, R. L. B.; Zille, A.; KIM, S.; Fechine, P.; Nascimento, J. H. O.(2022). Nanocoating on cotton fabric with nitrogen-doped graphene quantum dots/titanium dioxide/PVA: An erythemal UV protection and photoluminescent finishing. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. Volumen: X. (pp. 1 - 34). Recuperado de: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2238785422003854
Cabral, R. L.; Galvao, F. M.; Souto Silva, K. K. O.; Silva Felipe, B. H.; Andrade Neto, N. F.; Zille, A.; KIM, S.; Oliveira do Nascimento, J. H.(2022). Surface modification of ZnO quantum dots coated polylactic acid knitted fabric for photocatalytic application. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. Volumen: X. (pp. 1 - 14). Recuperado de: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/app.52381