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Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in Geography and the Environment, UNIVERSIDAD DE OXFORD

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Maestria en gestion Ambiental y Desarrollo (Faclutad Latino americana de ciencias sociales (FLACSO))

Tiempo parcial por asignaturas (TPA)
Departamento Académico de Ciencias - Sección Química


Se encontraron 65 publicaciones

Cho, K.; Negron, R.; Colliander, A.; COSIO, E. G.; SALINAS, N.; de Araujo, A.; Chambers, J.; Wang, J.(2024). Calibration of the SMAP soil moisture retrieval algorithm to reduce bias over the Amazon rainforest. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. Volumen: 17. (pp. 8724 - 8736). Recuperado de: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/10499827
TITO, R.; CRUZ, R. S.; NINA, A.; LIMONCHI, F.; Puma, B.; SALINAS, N.; COSIO, E. G.(2024). Evapotranspiration, carbon dynamics and water use efficiency in a drip-irrigated olive orchard in arid coastal western South America. Agricultural Water Management. Volumen: 297. (pp. 108813). Recuperado de: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378377424001483
Hernández, J. A.; Ruiz, I.; COSIO, E. G.; Garibaldi, L. A.; Kozlo, M. V.; Nacif, M.; SALINAS, N.; Zverev, V.; Zvereva, E. L.(2024). Forest management affects ecosystem functioning (predation and herbivory) but not ecosystem constancy: A comparative study across four forest ecosystems around the world. Global Ecology and Conservation. Volumen: 49. (pp. 1 - 12). Recuperado de: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2351989423004158
de Aledo, J.; ter Steege, H.; Cayuela, L.; Matas, L.; Ben Saadi, C.; SALINAS, N.; La Torre, M. D. L. Á.; Báez, S.; Bañares-de-Dios, G.; Cayola, L.; Fadrique, B.; Farfán, W.; Fuentes, A.; Homeier, J.; Jadán, O.; Tello, S.; Macía, M. J.(2024). Plant functional traits shape cultural and provisioning services to Indigenous communities in western Amazonia. Europe PMC (Research Square). Volumen: 44. (pp. 1 - 23). Recuperado de: https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/113444725/latest-libre.pdf?1713372663=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DPlant_functional_traits
Boza, T. E.; SALINAS, N.; COSIO, E. G.; TITO, R.; Nina, A.; Roman, R. M.(2024). Assessing Peru¿s Land Monitoring System Contributions towards Fulfilment of Its International Environmental Commitments. Land. Volumen: 13. (pp. 1 - 20). Recuperado de: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-445X/13/2/205
Tavares, J.; Oliveira, R.; Mencuccini, M.; Signori, C.; Pereira, L.; Carvalho , F.; Gilpin, M.; MARCA, M. J.; Salas, C.; Acosta, M.; Pérez , F. M.; de V Barros, F.; Bittencourt, P.; Jancoski, H.; Corrêa , M.; Marimon, B. S.; Marimon Jr, B. H.; Fancourt, M.; Chambers, A.; Esquivel, A.; Rowland, L.; Meir, P.; Lola da Costa, A. C.; Nina, A.; Sanchez, J. M.; Sanchez, J.; Baca, J.; CRUZ, R. S.; Fernandes, L.; Cumapa, E. R.; R Santos, J. A.; Teixeira, R.; Tello, L.; Ugarteche, M. T.; Cuellar, G. A.; Martinez, F.; Araujo-Murakami, A.; Almeida, E.; Alves Da Cruz, W. J.; del Aguila Pasquel, J.; Aragāo, L.; Baker, T. R.; Barbosa De Camargo, P.; Brienen, R.; Castro, W.; Cerruto Ribeiro, S.; Coelho de Souza, F.; COSIO, E. G.; Davila Cardozo, N.; SALINAS, N.(2023). Basin-wide variation in tree hydraulic safety margins predicts the carbon balance of Amazon forests. Nature. Volumen: 617. (pp. 1 - 7). Recuperado de: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-05971-3
de Aledo, J. G.; Paneghel, M.; Cayuela, L.; Matas, L.; Ben Saadi, C.; SALINAS, N.; La Torre, M. D. L. Á.; García, R.; Macía, M. J.(2023). Floristic diversity, composition and dominance across Amazonian forest types respond differently to latitude. Journal of Biogeography. Volumen: 40. (pp. 685 - 698). Recuperado de: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jbi.14561
SALINAS, N.; Gonzales, S.; Tello, S.; Myers, J.; Feelley, K.; Blundo, C.; Calderon, M.; Carilla, J.; Cayola, L.; Cuesta, F.; Farfan, W.; Fuentes, A.; Garcia, K.; Grau, R.; Idarraga, A.; Loza, M. I.; Malhi, Y.(2023). Historical Assembly of Andean Tree Communities. PLANTS. Volumen: 12. (pp. 3546). Recuperado de: https://www.mdpi.com/2223-7747/12/20/3546