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Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in Geography and the Environment, UNIVERSIDAD DE OXFORD

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Maestria en gestion Ambiental y Desarrollo (Faclutad Latino americana de ciencias sociales (FLACSO))

Tiempo parcial por asignaturas (TPA)
Departamento Académico de Ciencias - Sección Química


Se encontraron 58 publicaciones

Aguirre, J.; Berenguer, E.; Oliveras, I.; Bauman, D.; Corral, J.; Nava, M.; Both, S.; Edzang, J.; Evouna , F.; Bengone, N.(2022). Functional susceptibility of tropical forests to climate change. Nature Ecology & Evolution. Volumen: 6. (pp. 878 - 889).
Wieczynski, D.; Diaz, S.; Duran, S.; Fyllas, N.; SALINAS, N.; SALINAS, R.; Martin, A.; Shenkin, M.; Silman, G.; Asner, L.; Bentley, Y.; Malhi, B.; Enquist, V. M.(2022). Improving landscape‐scale productivity estimates by integrating trait‐based models and remotely‐sensed foliar‐trait and canopy‐structural data. Ecography. (pp. 1 - 14).
TITO, R.; SALINAS, N.; COSIO, E. G.; BOZA, T. E.; Muñiz, J. G.; Aragon, S.; NINA, A.; Roman, R. M.(2022). Secondary forests in Peru: differential provision of ecosystem services compared to other post-deforestation forest transitions. Ecology and Society. Volumen: 27. (pp. 1 - 34).
Signori-Mueller, C.; Oliveira, R. S.; Valentim, J.; Carvalho, F.; Gilpin, M.; de V. Barros, F.; Marca, M. J.; Salas, C. A.; NINA, A.; Brum, M.; Baker, T. R.; COSIO, E. G.; Malhi, Y.; Monteagudo, A.; Phillips, O. L.; Rowland, L.; SALINAS, N.; Vasquez, R.; Mencuccini, M.; Galbraith, D.(2022). Variation of non‐structural carbohydrates across the fast¿slow continuum in Amazon Forest canopy trees. Functional Ecology. Volumen: 36. (pp. 341 - 355). Recuperado de: https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1365-2435.13971
Signori, C.; Oliveira, R.; Valentin, J.; Carvalho, F.; Gilpin, M.; Barros, F.; Marca, M.; Salas, C.; NINA, A.; Brum, M.; Baker, T.; COSIO, E. G.; Malhi, Y.(2022). Variation of non‐structural carbohydrates across the fast¿slow continuum in Amazon Forest canopy trees. Functional Ecology. Volumen: 36. (pp. 341 - 355).
Aragon, S.; SALINAS, N.; NINA, A.; Huaman, V.; Rayme, G.; Huaman, W.; Chambi, P.; Olarte, J. C.; CRUZ, R. S.; Muñiz, J. G.; Salas, C.; BOZA, T. E.; TITO, R.; COSIO, E. G.; Roman, R. M.(2021). Aboveground biomass in secondary montane forests in Peru: Slow carbon recovery in agroforestry legacies. Global Ecology and Conservation. Volumen: 28. (pp. 1 - 15). Recuperado de: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2351989421002468
Aragón, S.; SALINAS, N.; NINA, A.; Huaman, V.; Rayme, G.; Huaman, W.; Chambi, P.; Olarte, J. C.; CRUZ, R. S.; Muñiz, J. G.; Salas, C.; BOZA, T. E.; TITO, R.; COSIO, E. G.; Roman-Cuesta, R. M.(2021). Aboveground biomass in secondary montane forests in Peru: Slow carbon recovery in agroforestry legacies. Global Ecology and Conservation. Volumen: 28. Recuperado de: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2351989421002468
Moraes, M.; Correa, S.; Rodrigues da Costa, C.; Duponchelled, F.; Miranda, G.; Montoya, M.; Phillips, O.; SALINAS, N.; Silman, M.; Ulloa, C.; Zapata, G.; Arieira, J.; ter Steege*, H.(2021). AMAZONIAN ECOSYSTEMS AND THEIR ECOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS. En Amazon Assessment Report 2021. (pp. 1 - 34). NUEVA YORK. Science Panel for the Amazon.. Recuperado de: http://https://www.theamazonwewant.org/amazon-assessment-report-2021/