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Maestro en Ingeniería de Control y Automatización, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DEL PERU

Ingeniero Electrónico
Tiempo parcial por asignaturas (TPA)
Departamento Académico de Ingeniería- Sección Ing. Mecatrónica


Se encontraron 5 publicaciones

BALCAZAR GUERRERO, M.; PEREZ, C. G.; CUELLAR, F. F.(2024). Design and Simulation of a Model Predictive Control System Navigation of a Drone in Confined Spaces. En 2024 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Computer, Data Sciences and Applications (ACDSA). (pp. 1 - 5). IEEE. Recuperado de: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/10467954
FLORES, D. A.; RAFFO, M. A.; YLLAHUAMAN, K. T.; BALCAZAR GUERRERO, M.(2021). Remote Laboratory for Teaching Digital Design using a VPN and embedded system. En 2021 IEEE XXVIII International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing (INTERCON). IEEE. Recuperado de: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9532871
FLORES, D. A.; RAFFO, M. A.; BALCAZAR GUERRERO, M.; YLLAHUAMAN, K. T.(2021). Remote Laboratory for Teaching Digital Design using a VPN and embedded system. En 2021 IEEE XXVIII International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing (INTERCON). IEEE. Recuperado de: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9532871
VARGAS, J.; Palomino, G.; FLORES, D. A.; Valdivia, G.; SAITO, C.; Arteaga, D.; BALCAZAR GUERRERO, M.; FERNANDEZ, M. A.; Oliden, J.; Díaz, D.(2019). Identifying potential landslide location using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. En 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM 2019. (pp. 450 - 461). Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM. Recuperado de: http://idl.iscram.org/files/jorgevargas-florez/2019/1887_JorgeVargas-Florez_etal2019.pdf
TRUJILLANO, F. C.; FLORES, D. A.; SAITO, C.; BALCAZAR GUERRERO, M.; RACOCEANU, D.(2018). Corn classification using Deep Learning with UAV imagery. An operational proof of concept. En 2018 IEEE 1st Colombian Conference on Applications in Computational Intelligence (ColCACI). IEEE. Recuperado de: https://ieeexplore-ieee-org.ezproxybib.pucp.edu.pe/document/8484845