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Doctor en Ingeniería Química y Ambiental, UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA

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Maestría Universitaria en Ingeniería Ambiental (UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA)

Docente a tiempo completo (DTC)
Departamento Académico de Ingeniería - Sección Ingeniería Civil


Se encontraron 168 publicaciones

ITA, D.; VAZQUEZ, I.; KAHHAT, R. F.; QUISPE, M. I.(2020). Life cycle assessment of bagasse fiber reinforced biocomposites. Science of The Total Environment. Volumen: 720. (pp. 1 - 12). Recuperado de: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969720310974
Ruiz, I.; Laso, J.; Margallo, M.; Villanueva, P.; Rodríguez, E.; Quinteiro, P.; Dias, A. C.; Almeida, C.; Nunes, M. L.; Marques, A.; Cortés, A.; Moreira, M. T.; Feijoo, G.; Loubet, P.; Sonnemman, G.; Morse, A.; Cooney, R.; Clifford, E.; Regueiro, L.; Méndez, D.; Anglada, C.; Noirot, C.; Rowan, N.; VAZQUEZ, I.; Aldaco, R.(2020). Life cycle assessment of fish and seafood processed products ¿ A review of methodologies and new challenges. Science of the Total Environment. Volumen: 761. Recuperado de: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0048969720376257
Abejón, R.; Batlle, L.; Laso, J.; Bala, A.; VAZQUEZ, I.; LARREA, G. M.; Margallo, M.; Ruiz, I.; Cristóbal, J.; Puig, R.; Fullana, P.; Aldaco, R.(2020). Multi-Objective Optimization of Nutritional, Environmental and Economic Aspects of Diets Applied to the Spanish Context. Foods. Volumen: 9. (pp. 1677). Recuperado de: https://doi.org/10.3390/foods9111677
VAZQUEZ, I. y LARREA, G. M.(2020). Optimization of the environmental performance of food diets in Peru combining linear programming and life cycle methods. Science of the Total Environment. Volumen: 699. (pp. 134231 - 134231). Recuperado de: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969719342147
VAZQUEZ, I. y GANDOLFI, A.(2020). Peruvian efforts to contain COVID-19 fail to protect vulnerable population groups. Public health in practice. Volumen: 1. Recuperado de: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666535220300197
Sanromán, M.; Solá, C.; Schroder, S.; Laso, J.; Margallo, M.; VAZQUEZ, I.; Ortiz, I.; Irabien, Á.; Aldaco, R.(2020). Potential formation of PCDD/Fs in triclosan wastewater treatment: An overall toxicity assessment under a life cycle approach. Science of the Total Environment. Volumen: 707. (pp. 135981 - 135981). Recuperado de: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969719359765
Hoehn, D.; Laso, J.; Cristóbal, J.; Ruiz, I.; Butnar, I.; Borrion, A.; Bala, A.; Fullana, P.; VAZQUEZ, I.; Aldaco, R.; Margallo, M.(2020). Regionalized Strategies for Food Loss and Waste Management in Spain under a Life Cycle Thinking Approach. Foods. Volumen: 9. (pp. 1765). Recuperado de: https://www.mdpi.com/2304-8158/9/12/1765
ITA, D.; VAZQUEZ, I.; KAHHAT, R. F.; Chinga, G.; QUISPE, M. I.(2020). Reviewing environmental life cycle impacts of biobased polymers: current trends and methodological challenges. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. (pp. 2169 - 2189). Recuperado de: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11367-020-01829-2