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Docente a tiempo completo (DTC)
Departamento Académico de Ingeniería - Sección Ingeniería de Minas


Se encontraron 19 investigaciones


Two decades of numerical modelling to understand long term fluvial archives: Advances and future perspectives

-NO CUENTA CON FONDOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN- The development and application of numerical models to investigate fluvial sedimentary archives has increased during the last decades resulting in a sustained growth in the number of scientific publications with keywords, ¿fluvial models¿, ¿fluvial process models¿ and ¿fluvial numerical models¿. In this context we compile and review the current contributions of numerical modelling to the understanding of fluvial archives. In particular, recent advances, current limitations, previous unexpected results and future perspectives are all discussed. Numerical modelling efforts have demonstrated that fluvial systems can display non-linear behaviour with often unexpected dynamics causing significant delay, amplification, attenuation or blurring of externally controlled signals in their simulated record. Numerical simulations have also demonstrated that fluvial records can be generated by intrinsic dynamics without any change in external controls. Many other model applications demonstrate that fluvial archives, specifically of large fluvial systems, can be convincingly simulated as a function of the interplay of (palaeo) landscape properties and extrinsic climate, base level and crustal controls. All discussed models can, after some calibration, produce believable matches with real world systems suggesting that equifinality - where a given end state can be reached through many different pathways starting from different initial conditions and physical assumptions - plays an important role in fluvial records and their modelling. The overall future challenge lies in the development of new methodologies for a more independent validation of system dynamics and research strategies that allow the separation of intrinsic and extrinsic record signals using combined fieldwork and modelling.


Instituciones participantes:

  • PUCP - sección ingenieria de minas (Financiadora)
  • universidad de twente - - (Financiadora)
  • universidad de wageningen - - (Financiadora)
2016 - 2017

Un análisis de la deformación de la corteza y la influencia de cambios climáticos en la sierra central durante los últimos cientos de miles de años.

Investigar los sedimentos fluviales del rio Mantaro en la cuenca tectónica de Huancayo para determinar el impacto de cambios climáticos del pasado geológico en su formación y cuando se estableció la conexión con el rio Amazonas. Instituciones involucrados: PUCP, Ministerio de Cultura, Universidad de Coruña. Para este proyecto recibimos 7600 soles de la DGI (proyecto especial 399).


  • WILLEM VIVEEN (Investigador principal)
  • Jorge Sanjurjo Sanchez (Co-Investigador)
  • Leonardo Zevallos Valdivia (Co-Investigador)

Instituciones participantes:

  • Ministerio de Cultura - Bla (Financiadora)
  • PUCP - DGI - Proyecto especial 399 (Financiadora)
  • Universidad de A coruña - iux (Financiadora)

Predicting reach-specific properties of fluvial terraces to guide future fieldwork. A case study for the Late Quaternary River Allier (France) with the FLUVER2 model

Numerical models have not yet systematically been used to predict properties of fluvial terrace records in order to guide fieldwork and sampling. This paper explores the potential of the longitudinal profile model FLUVER2 to predict testable field properties of the relatively well-studied, Late Quaternary Allier system in France. For the Allier terraces an overlapping 14C and U-series chronology as well as a record of 10Be erosion rates exist. The FLUVER2 modelling exercise is focused on the last 50 ka of the upper Allier reach because for this location and period the constraints of the available dating techniques are tightest. A systematic calibration based on terrace occurrence and thicknesses was done using three internal parameters related to (1) the sediment erodibility; (2) the sediment transport distance; and (3) the sediment supply derived from the surrounding landscape. As external model inputs, the best available, reconstructed, tectonic, climatic and base-level data were used. Calibrated model outputs demonstrate a plausible match with the existing fluvial record. Validation of model output was done by comparing the modelled and measured timing of aggradation and incision phases for the three locations. The modelled range of landscape erosion rates showed a reasonably good match with existing erosion rate estimates derived from 10Be measurements of fluvial sands. The quasi-validated model simulation was subsequently used to make new testable predictions about the timing and location of aggradation and erosion phases for three locations along the Allier river. The validated simulations predict that along the Allier, reach-specific dynamics of incision and aggradation, related to the variations in sediment supply by major tributaries, cause relevant differences in the local fluvial terrace stratigraphy.


  • WILLEM VIVEEN (Co-Investigador)
  • Jeroen Schoorl (Investigador principal)
  • Tom Veldkamp (Co-Investigador)

Instituciones participantes:

  • PUCP - seccion ingenieria de minas (Financiadora)
  • universidad de twente - - (Financiadora)
  • universidad twente - - (Financiadora)
  • WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITEIT - - (Financiadora)