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Doctor en Ingeniería Química y Ambiental, UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA

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Maestría Universitaria en Ingeniería Ambiental (UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA)

Docente a tiempo completo (DTC)
Departamento Académico de Ingeniería - Sección Ingeniería Civil


Se encontraron 172 publicaciones

Villanueva, P.; VAZQUEZ, I.; Quinteiro, P.; Rafael, S.; Gonzalves, C.; Moreira, M. T.; Feijoo, G.; Arroja, L.; Dias, A. C.(2019). Regionalizing eco-toxicity characterization factors for copper soil emissions considering edaphic information for Northern Spain and Portuguese vineyards. Science of the Total Environment. Volumen: 686. (pp. 986 - 994). Recuperado de: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969719324295
GALLICE, G. R.; LARREA, G. M.; VAZQUEZ, I.(2019). The threat of road expansion in the Peruvian Amazon. Oryx. Volumen: 53. (pp. 284 - 292). Recuperado de: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/oryx/article/threat-of-road-expansion-in-the-peruvian-amazon/EC18A95E8D8596A62ECC9E0695A89B0C
ZIEGLER, K. E.; Margallo, M.; Aldaco, R.; VAZQUEZ, I.; KAHHAT, R. F.(2019). Transitioning from open dumpsters to landfilling in Peru: Environmental benefits and challenges from a life-cycle perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production. Volumen: 229. (pp. 989 - 1003). Recuperado de: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959652619315252
Laso, J.; Hoehn, D.; Margallo, M.; García, I.; Batlle, L.; Bala, A.; Fullana, P.; VAZQUEZ, I.; Irabien, Á.; Aldaco, R.(2018). Assessing Energy and Environmental Efficiency of the Spanish Agri-Food System Using the LCA/DEA Methodology. Energies. Volumen: 11. (pp. 3395). Recuperado de: https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/11/12/3395
Villanueva, P.; Quinteiro, P.; VAZQUEZ, I.; Rafael, S.; Arroja, L.; Moreira, M. T.; Feijoo, G.; Díaz, A. C.(2018). Assessing water footprint in a wine appellation: A case study for Ribeiro in Galicia, Spain. Journal of Cleaner Production. Volumen: 172. (pp. 2097 - 2107). Recuperado de: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959652617328834
Laso, J.; Margallo, M.; García-Herrero, I.; Fullana, P.; Bala, A.; Polettini, A.; KAHHAT, R. F.; VAZQUEZ, I.; Irabien, A.; Aldaco, R.(2018). Combined application of Life Cycle Assessment and linear programming to evaluate food waste-to-food strategies: Seeking for answers in the nexus approach. Waste Management. Volumen: 80. (pp. 186 - 197). Recuperado de: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0956053X18305476
VAZQUEZ, I.(2018). Connecting Expert Communities to Address Marine Litter in Life Cycle Assessment.
Lorenzo, Y.; VAZQUEZ, I.; Marín, D.; Crujeiras, R.; Moreira, M. T.; Feijoo, G.(2018). Dynamic environmental efficiency assessment for wastewater treatment plants. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Volumen: 23. (pp. 357 - 367). Recuperado de: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11367-017-1316-9