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Doctor en Ciencias Económicas en el Área de Ciencias de la Gestión, UNIVERSIDAD DE VARSOVIA

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Magíster en Tecnología de Alimentos en el Área de Alimentación Humana (UNIVERSIDAD DE agricultura hugo kollataj en cracovia)

Docente a tiempo completo (DTC)
Departamento Académico Posgrado en Negocios - Sección Posgrado en Negocios


Se encontraron 15 publicaciones

Gonzalez, H.; Mu, E.; Ujwary, A.; FLOREK-PASZKOWSKA, A. K.(2024). Analytic network process in economics, finance and management: Contingency factors, current trends and further research. Expert Systems with Applications. Volumen: 237, part A. Recuperado de: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0957417423019176?via%3Dihub
VILCHEZ, C. M.; FLOREK-PASZKOWSKA, A. K.; Mu, E.(2024). Charting the Evolutionary Conceptual Pathway of Analytic Network Process Research: A Main Path Analysis. Journal of Multicriteria Decision Analysis. Volumen: 31. (pp. 1 - 23). Recuperado de: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/mcda.1837
FLOREK-PASZKOWSKA, A. K. y HOYOS, C. A.(2023). A comprehensive bibliometric analysis and future research directions in the nexus of sustainable business practices and turnover intention. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption. Volumen: 11. Recuperado de: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clrc.2023.100146
Ujwary, A. (Editor); FLOREK-PASZKOWSKA, A. K. (Editor); Kozol, A. (Editor). (2023). Economic Policy, Business, and Management in the Post-Pandemic Perspective. VARSOVIA. Institute of Economics, Polish Academy of Science. Recuperado de: https://icefmconference.eu/files/978-83-61597-94-0_interior.pdf
FLOREK-PASZKOWSKA, A. K. y HOYOS, C. A.(2023). Going green to keep talent: Exploring the relationship between sustainable business practices and turnover intention. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management, and Innovation. Volumen: 19. (pp. 87 - 128).
Gonzales, H.; Mu, E.; FLOREK-PASZKOWSKA, A. K.; Pereyra, M.(2023). Validation and use of a framework to assess challenges to virtual education in the context of emergency remote teaching: Peru and Spain.. Recuperado de: http://archive.ceciis.foi.hr/app/index.php/ceciis/index/pages/view/ProceedingsArchive
Ujwary, A. y FLOREK-PASZKOWSKA, A. K.(2022). A Network Approach to the Digital Innovation Hub as an Ecosystem Supporting the Digital Transformation of Enterprises in a Region. Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Volumen: 17. (pp. 557 - 566). Recuperado de: https://papers.academic-conferences.org/index.php/ecie
Ujwary, A. (Editor) y FLOREK-PASZKOWSKA, A. K. (Editor). (2022). Contemporary Research in the Field of Entrepreneurship, Management, and Innovation: Regular Issue. Journal of ENTREPRENEURSHIP, MANAGEMENT and INNOVATION. Volumen: 18. (pp. 1 - 173). Recuperado de: https://jemi.edu.pl/uploadedFiles/file/all-issues/vol18/issue3/JEMI_Vol18_Issue3_2022.pdf