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Master of Science in Cognitive Science, University of Edinburgh

Licenciado en Psicología con mención en Psicología Educacional
Docente a tiempo completo (DTC)
Departamento Académico de Psicología - Sección Psicología


Se encontraron 24 publicaciones

Trovato, G.; PAREDES, R.; Balvin, J.; CUELLAR, F. F.; Thomsen, N. B.; Bech, S.; Tan, Z.(2018). The Sound or Silence: investigating the influence of robot noise on proxemics. En The 27th International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2018). (pp. 713 - 718). NUEVA YORK. IEEE. Recuperado de: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8525795
PAREDES, R.(2017). Actividad del sistema de neuronas espejo durante la percepción y acción de movimientos de dedos. Recuperado de: http://tesis.pucp.edu.pe/repositorio/handle/123456789/8170
SAITO, C.; ABARCA, M. L.; CERNA, F. J.; PAREDES, R.; CUELLAR, F. F.(2017). An Interdisciplinary Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Course with Practical Applications. En Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2017 IEEE. IEEE. Recuperado de: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7942856/
LOPEZ, J. A.; CCASANE, B. J.; PAREDES, R.; CUELLAR, F. F.(2017). Effects of Using Indirect Language by a Robot to Change Human Attitudes. En 12th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. (pp. 193 - 194). VIENNA. IEEE Computer Society. Recuperado de: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3038310&dl=ACM&coll=DL
LOPEZ, J. A.; QUIROZ, D. E.; PAREDES, R.; TROVATO, G.; CUELLAR, F. F.(2017). Robotman: A security robot for human-robot interaction. 18th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 2017 . (pp. 7 - 12). Recuperado de: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8023489/
LOPEZ, J. A.; QUIROZ, D. E.; PAREDES, R.; TROVATO, G.(2017). Robotman: A security robot for human-robot interaction. En 18th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR 2017. (pp. 7 - 12). HONG KONG. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
TROVATO, G.; LOPEZ, J. A.; PAREDES, R.(2017). Security and guidance: Two roles for a humanoid robot in an interaction experiment. En RO-MAN 2017 - 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication. (pp. 230 - 235). LISBOA. IEEE. Recuperado de: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8172307/
ANGULO, A. L.; PAREDES, R.; OROSCO, M. S.; LAUREL, C. J.; MADRID, E. P.; CUELLAR, F. F.; DAVILA, A. E.(2016). Analysis of non propositional and non postural movements performed by NAO robot in an experimental trial to elicit emotions. En 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication. (pp. 405 - 406). IEEE.