Se encontraron 12 producciones
KAHHAT ABEDRABBO, RAMZY FRANCIS. (2016). Baseline Study, Market Analysis, and Study of Regulations For E-waste in the Baja California Region Project. MEXICO.
KAHHAT ABEDRABBO, RAMZY FRANCIS. (2011). Development of a Validated Methodology to Characterize and Quantify the Flow of Used Computers and Monitors from North America to the Rest of the World. ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMÉRICA.
KAHHAT ABEDRABBO, RAMZY FRANCIS. (2016). Quantitative Characterization of Domestic and Transboundary Flows of Used Electronic Products. Case Study: Used Computers and Monitors in North America.. CANADA.
KAHHAT ABEDRABBO, RAMZY FRANCIS. (2009). Feasibility Study for the Characterization and Quantification of the Flow of Used Electronics Equipment in North America. ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMÉRICA.