Magister en Ciencias de Ingeniería (instituto politecnico de leningrado)
Ingeniero Electricista DOCENTE ORDINARIO - PRINCIPAL Docente a tiempo completo (DTC) Departamento Académico de Ingeniería - Sección Electricidad y Electrónica
SANCHEZ, V. A.; PEREZ, C. G.; SOTOMAYOR, J. J.(2022). Reconfigurable Model Predictive Control Applied to the Quadruple Tank Process. En Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. (pp. 937 - 957). Springer Verlag. Recuperado de:
Vasquez, J.; PEREZ, C. G.; SOTOMAYOR, J. J.; Ospino, A.(2021). Super-Alarms with Diagnosis Proficiency Used as an Additional Layer of Protection Applied to an Oil Transport System. Entropy. Volumen: 23. (pp. 139). Recuperado de:
SALCEDO, J. M. F.; RIVAS, R.; SOTOMAYOR, J. J.(2020). Design of a robust H2 state feedback temperature controller for a steel slab reheating furnace. Applied Sciences. Volumen: 10. (pp. 1 - 15). Recuperado de:
PEREZ, C. G.; RIVAS, R.; SOTOMAYOR, J. J.; SANCHEZ, V. A.(2020). Fault Detection and Isolation System Based on Structural Analysis of an Industrial Seawater Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant. Processes. Volumen: 8. (pp. 1100). Recuperado de: