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MSc. International Development: Poverty and Inequality, UNIVERSIDAD DE MANCHESTER-GRAN BRETANA

Licenciada en Gestión con mención en Gestión Social
Docente a tiempo completo (DTC)
Departamento Académico de Ciencias de la Gestión-Sección Gestión


Se encontraron 7 investigaciones

2023 - 2024

Employee Ownership ADELANTE

Mexico and Peru share some challenges that require governmental action to achieve sustainable development, such as counter-corruption initiatives, reversing the informal economy, and overcoming societal inertia. By indirectly endorsing inclusive ownership structures, governments can catalyse social change. Peru's pioneering strategies, coupled with French and Slovenian insights and experiences, form a roadmap for united research and policy recommendations¿the result: a policy framework to scale Employee Ownership in Mexico. ITESO, as an academic and social actor, seeks to consolidate and promote within its stakeholders this type of economic strategy based on democracy and the fight against the roots of inequality and poverty. CEMJAL is a business organisation in Jalisco that works with similar values and seeks more innovative tools and capabilities for their small and medium enterprises. By working together, the Partnership shares the familiarity and experiences of Employee Ownership in different contexts, which is expected to generate new knowledge using the insights from each cultural and legal setting. New knowledge will be developed first and foremost through the experiences shared by participants in the activities of the Initiative, including meetings and visits with key stakeholders (companies, experts, investors, policymakers, students, and academics). The Partnership will build on their first-hand experience working with businesses on Employee Ownership to establish a specialised model for Mexico (MexESOP) involving conceptual and legal structure. The model will be featured in a white paper describing the main structural features and presented at events organised by the Partnership in Mexico and Peru. The events will promote reflections to drive local policies, boost knowledge in the business community on the advantages of Employee Ownership schemes, and allow for the calibration of MexESOP based on challenges encountered on the ground and specific


  • Gonzalo Hernandez (Investigador principal)
  • Josefina Robles (Co-Investigador)
  • Joseph Abdel-Nour (Co-Investigador)
  • Nicolas Aubert (Co-Investigador)

Instituciones participantes:

  • cemjal - - (Financiadora)
  • ESSCA School of Management - - (Financiadora)
  • Institute for Economic Democracy - IED - - (Financiadora)
  • ITESO - - (Financiadora)
  • pontificia universidad catolica del peru - - (Financiadora)
  • union europea - - (Financiadora)
  • University of Aix-Marseille - - (Financiadora)
2023 - 2024

Segundo Reporte del Estado de Emprendimientos sociales

En alianza con la Red Kunan se hará un estudio del estado actual de los emprendimientos sociales en el Perú. Se realizarán grupos focales, entrevistas y encuestas para conocer los modelos de negocios, el impacto, el perfil del emprendedor, entre otros.


Instituciones participantes:

  • Kunan - - (Financiadora)
  • Kunan - Peru Sostenible (Financiadora)
  • pontificia universidad catolica del peru - departament academico de ciencias de la gestion (Financiadora)
  • PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DEL PERU - DEpartamento academico de ciencias de la gestion (Financiadora)
2020 - 2024

Scaling-up Off grid solutions

El proyecto de investigación se enfoca en analizar un modelo innovador de provisión de saneamiento para ciudades: container-based sanitation (CBS). Es un producto que reemplaza soluciones como letrinas y pozo sépticos muy usados en las zonas periurbanas de las ciudades, pero inseguras en su manejo, tratamiento y eliminación de desechos. La investigación se realizará en cuatro ciudades donde diferentes organizaciones privadas y públicas proveen de este servicio: Lima (X-Runner), Cape Town (Municipalidad de Cape Town), Cabo Haitiano (SOIL) y en Kakuma, un campo de refugiados en Kenya (Sanivation and Norwegian Refugee Council). E El equipo de investigación está conformado por un Consorcio de Universidades liderado por Cranfield University y compuesto por University of the Western Cape, Meru University of Science & Technology, State University of Haiti, University of Leeds, Bangor University, New York University y la Pontifica Universidad Católica del Perú representado por Hellen López y Arturo Llaxacondor. La investigación recibe el financiamiento de Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), un fondo global del UK Research and Innovation, una organización que trabaja en alianza con universidades, centros de investigación, empresas, la sociedad civil y el gobierno para crear un mejor ambiente para la investigación y permitir mayores innovaciones. El proyecto tiene un horizonte de tres años y tiene como objetivos i) analizar si el contexto institucional, legal y regulatorio en cada país permite la sostenibilidad de los modelos de negocio de las organizaciones que han emprendido estas iniciativas, ii) determinar si los diseños del CBS son inclusivos o incrementan la disparidad entre los grupos vulnerables, iii) Medir el impacto en el bienestar mental de los usuarios y, iv) entender los vínculos con otros servicios para las ciudades como agua, alimentación y residuos sólidos.


Instituciones participantes:

  • CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY - ambiental (Financiadora)
  • Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) - Global (Financiadora)
  • Meru University of Science & Technology - ciencias sociales (Financiadora)
  • State University of Haiti - geografía (Financiadora)
  • THE UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS - geografía (Financiadora)
  • UNIVERSITY OF OREGON - geografía (Financiadora)
  • university of the western cape - ciencias políticas (Financiadora)
2021 - 2022

Estrategias en el nivel micro de la innovación social de los emprendedores sociales: análisis de los elementos cognitivos y facilitadores

This research looks to investigate what strategies of systemic thinking at the micro level are used during the process of social innovation for accelerating system change? By doing it focuses on the mindset shift that individuals suffer in the process of social innovation, the set of tools they use to analyze and develop strategies and the organizational level & leadership such as participative processes, collective intelligence and action. It uses the framework of Fisk et al. (2019) and Wells (2018) for the dimensions for co-creating systemic social innovation and the components of transformative collaboration.


Instituciones participantes:

  • Make Sense - - (Financiadora)
  • Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru - departamento academico de ciencias de la gestion (Financiadora)
  • PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DEL PERU - departamento de ciencias de la gestión (Financiadora)

How social innovation can improve the level of empowerment: The case of the first social Enterprise empowering artisanal fishermen in Perú

This paper seeks to answer how social innovation can challenge the degree of empowerment of individuals and groups? By doing so, it uses the empowerment framework by Alsop-Bertelsen- Holland (2006) and analyses the agency and the structure opportunities in the context of social entrepreneurship. The research suggest that social innovation increases the level of assets of individuals such as social, human, financial and environmental assets. It also contributes to give more equitable rules or expand the entitlements of individuals.


Instituciones participantes:

  • PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DEL PERU - Departamento Académico de Ciencias de la Gestión (Financiadora)
  • sustainable fishery trade - 1 (Financiadora)
2018 - 2019


Analizar e identificar los factores que producen el crecimiento y la sostenibilidad de las microempresas financiadas por Pan-Soy


Instituciones participantes:

  • ESCUELA DE TEMPORADA.PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DEL PERU - departamento academico de ciencias de la gestion (Financiadora)
  • PAN SOY - DIRECCION (Financiadora)
2018 - 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Effects in Micro Entrepreneurship Ventures Run by Women

Currently, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is usually considered an activity of high strategic value for companies. However, in the case of micro enterprises it is assumed that it is not a priority due to the scarcity of resources and the need to survive first at the beginning of the business. This makes difficult to carry out research on how it is implemented and the impact that CSR activities have. This empirical research seeks to contribute to this gap in knowledge by evaluating how CSR practices adds value to the growth of these kind of organizations. Through in-depth, qualitative study based on the life-story methodology, we studied the role of 21 female entrepreneurs in the gastronomic sector. The discourse analysis sought to identify how the dimensions of environment, management activities and individual characteristics had an impact on the growth of entrepreneurship, being affected by the CSR activities as a moderator variable. The results indicate that the development of support networks, and the use of psychological resources such as resilience and the presence of a strong system of social values were fundamental elements for the survival and growth of these microventures.


Instituciones participantes:

  • PAN SOY - ONG (Financiadora)
  • PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DEL PERU - Departamento Académico de Ciencias de la Gestión (Financiadora)