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Máster en Dirección de Operaciones, Calidad e Innovación, UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE MADRID

Ingeniero Mecánico e Ingeniero Industrial
Docente a tiempo completo (DTC)
Departamento Académico de Ingeniería - Sección Ingeniería Industrial


Se encontraron 67 publicaciones

CORRALES, C. A.; ROJAS, J. E.; ATOCHE, W. J.(2023). Analysis of the design of bicycle lanes using simulation of vehicular traffic on a main avenue in Metropolitan Lima. En 21st LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology: ¿Leadership in Education and Innovation in Engineering in the Framework of Global Transformations: Integration and Alliances for Integral Development¿, Hybrid Event, Buenos Aires - ARGENTINA. (pp. 1 - 8). Boca Ratón. LACCEI.
CORRALES, C. A.; PARDO, M. D. C.; RUBIO, J. C.(2023). Driver Factors in Bus Accident: A Systematic Review. En 3rd Indian International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. MICHIGAN. IEOM Society. Recuperado de: https://index.ieomsociety.org/index.cfm/conference/view/ID/27?text1=&field1=All&conferences=27&page=2
CORRALES, C. A.; ATOCHE, W. J.; ROJAS, J. E.(2023). Improving the management and allocation of maintenance and cleaning of a university campus infrastructure using a discrete event simulation model. En International Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. SAO PAULO. ABEPRO. Recuperado de: https://abepro.org.br/proceedings/artigo.asp?e=icieom&a=2023&c=37766
CORRALES, C. A.; ATOCHE, W. J.; ROJAS, J. E.(2023). Main musculoskeletal disorders in virtual modality students. En Industrial Engineering and Operation Management. (pp. 555 - 566). Springer.
CORRALES, C. A. y Chumpitaz, L.(2023). Research competencies of Industrial Engineering students. Exploratory study. En 21st LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology: ¿Leadership in Education and Innovation in Engineering in the Framework of Global Transformations: Integration and Alliances for Integral Development¿, Hybrid Event, Buenos Aires - ARGENTINA. (pp. 1 - 7). BOCA RATÓN. LACCEI.
CORRALES, C. A.(2022). Educational guidelines for the improvement of virtual teaching in engineering. En ¿Education, Research and Leadership in Post-pandemic Engineering: Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Actions¿. Proceedings of the 20th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology. Fundacion LACCEI.
ZEVALLOS, B. A.; HUAMAN, A. O.; POLANCO, L. R. K.; ROJAS, J. E.; CORRALES, C. A.(2022). Intelligent route planning for effective police patrolling in a Peruvian district. En Production and Operations Management: POMS Lima, Peru, December 2-4, 2021 (Virtual Edition). (pp. 1 - 8). Springer.
Chumpitaz, L.; Cartagena, M.; CORRALES, C. A.(2022). Enfoques de evaluación y uso de la tecnología en la educación Superior. Revisión de alcance. En ¿Education, Research and Leadership in Post-pandemic Engineering: Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Actions¿. Proceedings of the 20th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology. Fundacion LACCEI.