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Doctorado en Química Orgánica, UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA

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Master Universitario en Investigación Química (UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA)
Máster Universitario en Química Experimental y Laboratorios (UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID)

Licenciada en Química
Docente a tiempo completo (DTC)
Departamento Académico de Ciencias - Sección Química


Se encontraron 42 publicaciones

GALARRETA, B. C.; HERNANDEZ, Y.; VELIZ, L. A.(2019). Label-free SERS nanoaptasensors for accessible mycotoxin screening test in cereals and food grains. En INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENHANCED SPECTROSCOPIES ICES 2019. (pp. 29). UWO. Recuperado de: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R0nqt45YysmOSZM6jNKRd6bzOHWBzev5/view?usp=sharing
HERNANDEZ, Y. y GALARRETA, B. C.(2019). Noble Metal-Based Plasmonic Nanoparticles for SERS Imaging and Photothermal Therapy. En Nanomaterials for Magnetic and Optical Hyperthermia Applications. (pp. 83 - 109). AMSTERDAM. Elsevier. Recuperado de: https://www.elsevier.com/books/nanomaterials-for-magnetic-and-optical-hyperthermia-applications/fratila/978-0-12-813928-8#
COMAS, L.; POLO, E.; DOMINGO, M. P.; HERNANDEZ, Y.; ARIAS, M.; ESTEBAN, P.; MARTINEZ, L.; PARDO, J.; MARTINEZ, J.; GALVEZ, E. M.(2019). Intracellular delivery of biologically-active fungal metabolite gliotoxin using magnetic nanoparticles. Materials. Volumen: 12. (pp. 1092 - 1109). Recuperado de: https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1944/12/7/1092
HERNANDEZ, Y.; GONZALEZ, R.; BELMAR, C.; MENDOZA, G.; MARTINEZ, J.; MARTIN, P.(2019). Gold nanoparticle coatings as efficient adenovirus carriers to non-infectable stem cells. RSC Advances. Volumen: 9. (pp. 1327 - 1334). Recuperado de: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2019/RA/C9RA90008J#!divAbstract
HERNANDEZ, Y.(2019). Correction: Gold nanoparticle coatings as efficient adenovirus carriers to non-infectable stem cells. RSC Advances. Volumen: 9. (pp. 4833 - 4833). Recuperado de: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2019/RA/C9RA90008J#!divAbstract
GALARRETA, B. C.; HERNANDEZ, Y.; LAGOS, L. K.; VELIZ, L. A.; LICUONA, M. C.(2019). Accessible mycotoxin identification by label-free SERS nanoaptasensors in solution. En Spring 2019 National Meeting & Expo. ACS. Recuperado de: https://www.morressier.com/o/event/5fc642c603137aa525863c7c/article/5fc643a32d78d1fec466a392
GALARRETA, B. C.; SALDAÑA, A. S.; HERNANDEZ, Y.; AYALA, L. J.; LAGOS, L. K.(2018). Building a compact and simple surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy platform that enables rapid on-site detection of coffee metabolites beyond nanomole level. En 255th ACS National Meeting. ACS.
HERNANDEZ, Y.; SALDAÑA, A. S.; SIFUENTES, J. R.; GALARRETA, B. C.(2018). Estudio de los factores determinantes para el desarrollo de sensores SERS efectivos y económicos. Tecnia. Volumen: 28. (pp. 1 - 6).