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PhD in Economics (Econometrics), UNIVERSIDAD DE MONTREAL

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Licenciado en Economía
Docente a tiempo completo (DTC)
Departamento Académico de Economía - Sección Economía


Se encontraron 134 publicaciones

PALOMINO, J. A. y RODRIGUEZ, G.(2023). Spatial perspective on Peru's Regional Growth : Convergence, Technological Interdependence and Spatial Externalites. En Perspectivas sobre desarrollo y territorio en el nuevo contexto. Homenaje a Efraín Gonzales de Olarte. (pp. 229 - 267). LIMA. Fondo Editorial PUCP.
Chávez, P. y RODRIGUEZ, G.(2023). Time changing effects of external shocks on macroeconomic fluctuations in Peru: empirical application using regime-switching VAR models with stochastic volatility. Review of World Economics. Volumen: 159. (pp. 505 - 544). Recuperado de: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10290-022-00474-1
Jiménez, A.; RODRIGUEZ, G.; Ataurima, M.(2023). Time-varying impact of fiscal shocks over GDP growth in Peru: An empirical application using hybrid TVP-VAR-SV models. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. Volumen: 64. (pp. 314 - 332). Recuperado de: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0954349X2300005X
Díaz, J.; Palermo, K.; RODRIGUEZ, G.(2022). Trend-Cycle Decomposition for Latin American and G7 Countries: Application and Empirical Comparison of Old and New Univariate Methodologies. En Ensayos Macroeconómicos en Honor a Félix Jiménez. (pp. 161 - 252). LIMA. PUCP. Recuperado de: https://departamento.pucp.edu.pe/economia/libro/ensayos-macroeconomicos-honor-felix-jimenez/
Portilla, J.; RODRIGUEZ, G.; Castillo, P.(2022). Evolution of Monetary Policy in Peru: An Empirical Application Using a Mixture Innovation TVP-VAR-SV Model. CESifo Economic Studies. Volumen: 68. (pp. 98 - 126). Recuperado de: https://academic.oup.com/cesifo/article-abstract/68/1/98/6503309?redirectedFrom=fulltext
Calero, R.; RODRIGUEZ, G.; Salcedo, R.(2022). Evolution of the Exchange Rate Pass-Throught into Prices in Peru: An Empirical Application Using TVP-VAR-SV Models. LIMA. PUCP. Recuperado de: https://repositorio.pucp.edu.pe/index/bitstream/handle/123456789/184976/DDD510.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
Boca, A. y RODRIGUEZ, G.(2022). Presidential approval in Peru: an empirical analysis using a fractionally cointegrated VAR. Economic Change and Restructuring. Volumen: 55. (pp. 1973 - 2010). Recuperado de: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10644-021-09374-0
Urbina, D. y RODRIGUEZ, G.(2022). The effects of corruption on growth, human development and natural resources sector: empirical evidence from a Bayesian panel VAR for Latin American and Nordic countries. Journal of Economic Studies. Volumen: 49. (pp. 346 - 363). Recuperado de: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JES-05-2020-0199/full/html