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Magíster en Intervención Clínica Psicoanalítica, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DEL PERU

Licenciado en Psicología con mención en Psicología Clínica
Tiempo parcial por asignaturas (TPA)
Departamento Académico de Psicología - Sección Psicología


Se encontraron 4 investigaciones

2017 - 2018

Rol del involucramiento paterno -relativo al de la madre- y de sus factores asociados en la competencia socioemocional de niños y niñas preescolares de cuatro ciudades del Perú

Las relaciones con los padres son importantes para el desarrollo socioemocional de los niños/as y éste para la salud mental y bienestar a lo largo de toda la vida (Bowlby, 1969/1982; Collins, Maccoby, Steinberg, Hetherington y Bornstein, 2000; Marrone, 2001). Actualmente, se estudia el aporte del padre en la crianza de los hijos(as) a partir de las nuevas configuraciones y dinámicas familiares (Lamb y Lewis, 2010; Marsiglio, Amato, Day y Lamb, 2000; Pleck, 2010). Por ello, esta investigación busca determinar el rol del involucramiento paterno -relativo al materno- y de sus factores asociados en el desarrollo de la competencia social y emocional del niño/a preescolar en diversas ciudades del país (Lima, Chiclayo, Huancayo e Iquitos). Los factores asociados descritos en la literatura son edad y sexo del niño/a; edad, nivel de instrucción, número de hijos e historia parental del padre; número de horas de trabajo de ambos padres y creencias sobre el involucramiento paterno. Se realizará un estudio que integra una fase cuantitativa y otra cualitativa de manera secuencial. En la fase cuantitativa se utilizarán instrumentos para las variables de interés, mientras que en la fase cualitativa se realizarán grupos focales para identificar las creencias culturales asociadas en padres y madres. La integración de los resultados de ambas fases permitirán una comprensión en profundidad del rol que tiene el involucramiento paterno en el desarrollo socioemocional del niño/a.


Instituciones participantes:

  • DIRECCION ACADEMICA DE INVESTIGACION - DAI PUCP - direccion de gestion de la investigacion (Financiadora)
2016 - 2017

Seguridad del apego y sensibilidad paterna en padres de diversos niveles socioeconómicos de Peru y USA

Children develop an attachment bond with main caregivers with whom they interact on a regular basis. The study of father-child attachment relationships is important to uncover interactional processes characteristic of those relationships that may help us understand associations reported between child attachment security in the father-child relationship and other developmental outcomes, e.g., sociability and behavior problems (Lamb et.al., 1982; Verschueren & Marcoen 1999). Although some studies on child-father attachment relationships have been conducted (see meta-analysis by Lucassen et al., 2011), research on the topic is scant and has taken place during infancy using the strange situation. We know little about child-father attachment relationships beyond infancy, in settings where the relationship is forged, e.g., home, and in different cultural contexts. We will present results from an ongoing cross-cultural study (samples from Peru and the US) on the associations between paternal sensitivity and preschoolers security in naturalistic settings.


Instituciones participantes:

2016 - 2017

Psychometric Properties of the Massie-Campbell Attachment During Stress Scale (ADS) in children between 8 and 11 months old from Lima, Peru

Massie-Campbell Attachment During Stress Scale (ADS, Massie and Campbell, 1983) is a useful tool for research and large-scale attachment evaluation. However, evidence of its psychometric properties is yet scarce. To evaluate ADS's convergent and concurrent validity, two analyses were carried out. First, classifications given by ADS's child scale and Attachment Q-Set scores (AQS, Waters, 1995) were compared. Then, relation between ADS's children classification and children¿s mothers sensitivity measured by Maternal Behavior Q Sort (MBQS 2.1, Pederson & Moran, 1995) was analyzed. Finally, to evaluate diagnostic accuracy, ADS's sensitivity and specificity were computed. Participants were 32 children between 8 and 10 months from a province near to Lima, Peru. Most of them were boys (62.5%). Mothers were from 19 to 44 years old (M = 29.6, SD = 6.28). They participated at larger study to evaluate children attachment and other children and maternal variables. Results show that ADS's child classification is related to AQS's continuous scores (r = .408, p = .021) and to AQS¿s dichotomous classifications [X2 (1, N = 32) = 4.69, p = 0.030, d = 0.83]. Maternal sensitivity scores between mothers of secure children and mothers of insecure children -as classified by ADS- didn't differ (M secure = .245, SD secure = .218, M non-secure = .017, SD non-secure = .219, t = 2.446, gl = 30, p = .021, d = 0.89). Finally, since ADS's sensitivity did not reach satisfactory level (33.3%, 95% CI = [15.48, 56.90]), a new cut-off point is proposed. It improves its sensitivity and maintains satisfactory level of specificity (sensitivity 47.6%, 95% CI = [4.26; 69.7]; specificity 90.9 %, 95% CI = [57.1; 99.5]). These results reveal that ADS could be a better instrument for research objectives than for diagnostic ones. This and other implications are discussed considering methodological limitations.


Instituciones participantes:

2014 - 2015

Paternal Sensitivity and Secure Base Behavior in Preschoolers: The Role of Attachment Representations

Sensitivity hypothesis holds that quality of care is related to the children attachment (van IJzerdoorn & Sagi, 2008). Further, this specific interactions are internalized in internal working models (Bowlby, 1973). The contribution of maternal care in attachment has been corroborated in several studies (Atkinson et al., 2005), but there is less evidence about the paternal care (Lucassen et al., 2011). This study explore the relation between paternal sensitivity, children security and their attachment representations in a Peruvian group of father-child dyads. Fathers were from 27 to 50 years old (M = 35.28, SD = 7.90) and their children were between 48 and 68 months old (M = 58.5, SD = 6.64). Sensitivity was assessed using an adaptation of the Maternal Behavior for Preschoolers Q-Set (Posada et al., 2007), security through Attachment Q-Set (Waters, 1995) and attachment representations with the Attachment Story Completion Task (Bretherton, Ridgeway and Cassidy, 1990). Results reveal that there is a high, direct and significant correlation between paternal sensitivity and security of his child (r = .58, r2 = .30, IC 95% = [.23, .83], p = .01). Partial correlation between them controlling attachment representations decrease and loose significance (r = .43, r2 = .19, IC 95% = [-.07; .78], p = .08). The role of preschoolers¿ attachment representations and paternal care for secure base behavior is discussed.


Instituciones participantes: